LifeCompass Group


The Problem:

Many persons are afraid of launching a business and prefer to work within an organization even if they have the best ideas, because of the little ‘security’ working for someone else and also for any or all of the reasons below.

1. Lack of Self Knowledge
(strengths, weaknesses, ideal work-life, lifestyle goals)
2. Lack of Knowledge of Purpose
(business type discovery & matching)
3. Wrong Business Fit or Fear to Launch
4. Lack of foundational Business training
5. No detail business-life plan
(design & long term planning)

How we help:

In the regions that our services are offered the factors that promote entrepreneurship are relatively satisfactory. The majority of the workforce and most entrepreneurs know and understand very little about who they are as individuals. Knowing who you are is the first and most vital step in selecting the right business to start. There are no personality types more prone to career or entrepreneurial success than any other. Understanding who you are enables you to know yourself and understand the following:
  • Your natural Strengths
  • Your decision-making style
  • Your leadership style
  • Your preferred work environment
  • The instinctive way you take action
  • What motivates you
  • Your core values
  • How you handle stress, pressure or challenges

Our Process & Technology
Assessments & Discovery

Our comprehensive combined assessments review several areas to discover or clarify who you truly are in a deeper accurate process.

Aptitude & Cognitive: Aptitude tests measure critical thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to learn, digest, and apply new information. In essence, the tests seek to assess a person’s general intelligence or brainpower by measuring their mental functions.

Personality: These tests are not setting out to “improve” your personality. Instead, we assist you in developing a deeper understanding of your unique one and to manage your world more in accordance with it.

Conative: You take action using your Conative mind. Your conative mind contains the instincts and innate attributes that define your natural method of operation (MO). When you work in your natural style, you are more productive, more comfortable and more successful.

We identify people’s instinctive strengths, explain them, analyze how they align with tasks and other people, and offer practical solutions for putting them into practice — from doing better in a job, to team performance, to personal relationships.

Skillset: We evaluate your competencies and proficiencies acquired throughout your past working experiences, that are relevant to your future goals.
Entrepreneurial: This test is used to assess your entrepreneurial traits, understanding of everyday challenges and issues, most suitable business size, leadership style, the most complimentary kind of business partner, where you excel and where you need to improve to help make your business soar.

Lifestyle: Clarify your overall ideal life vision which encompasses all 12 areas of your life. Your ideal career or work life is only one of the 12 sections, it’s important to have a clear picture of the entire vision in order to accomplish the individual goals of anyone area completely.

Financial Health: An initial discovery of your current financial situation then followed by a clear direction on the financial path to follow in your job or business and investments to accomplish your unique goals. This includes a comprehensive planning approach that analyzes and explores all aspects of your financial well-Being. Designed around you and your family’s evolving needs.

Professional Review & Planning

We give you access to live private sessions via video with professionals that focus on your unique goals & strengths in order to complete the process of planning and designing your long term work-life vision & goals.
  • Specialist for a live review of the results of your assessment
  • Career or Business Coach sessions to discover or clarify your work-life vision
  • Financial Expert to discover or clarify your financial health goals
  • Industry-Specific expert to give you real-life industry advice & resources

Accountability & Follow up

We have an intensive five (5) level accountability system that works in unison with the timelines and milestones in the customized life compass plan to ensure that you have a higher percentage of success in accomplishing your goals.
  • Your Personal Accountability buddy for 12 months
  • Weekly Live Video Mentoring Calls
  • Support from a Dedicated Business / Career Coach
  • Video Training Library
  • Membership in our Private Platform that is industry-specific
    (Get professional advice & support by the leaders within your specific industry)

Custom Designed Life Compass Plan

This is the complete customized long term plan for your ideal career or business long work life. This was designed for you with your strengths, passions & ideal life goals at the foundation and forefront.

The custom-designed plan & program includes:

  • All assessments that were completed with the detailed reviews from a trained assessment specialist
  • Career plan or Entrepreneurial plan for the next 10 years
  • All the supporting resources necessary to take you from where you are now to where you plan to be within the next 10 years.
  • Accountability milestones, timelines, checks and balances that may be needed to accomplish your goals.
  • 12 months access to our Online Video Training Library (How-to-Tutorials, Business Templates, Career-related templates, Skills training, Case studies etc.)
  • Access to our Partners (HR Placements, Franchise sales, Professional business services, financial services, Investment education & opportunities)
  • Funding (Banks, Alternative Funding & Investor Groups etc.)
  • Industry Specific Training and work experience opportunities
  • Institutions & Schools (Country specific)
  • Government Grants, Enterprise Grants & Scholarships (Canada & US)
  • Community Membership (Mastermind groups & Mentorship)

We will help you discover who you are, what you are supposed to be doing, and how to do it. Our solution provides the design of a complete work-life long term plan, access to the necessary tools, trained professionals, and resources needed to get it done.

  • Cognitive Assessment
  • Instinctive Assessment
  • Ideal Lifestyle
  • Leadership
  • Business matching
  • Staff planning & matching
  • Financial health
  • Business coaching
  • Work-life design & planning
  • Business startup & growth resources
  • Follow up & Accountability
  • Wellbeing
  • Financial Health

Sign up today and be part of the first group of persons that are taking the steps to transform their entrepreneurial journey.